Legacy Workers Can Get Better Pay, Better Benefits and Better Workplaces With AFSCME
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The AFSCME Difference
Oregon AFSCME fights for and wins contracts that bring better pay, better benefits and better workplaces. Together, we push for more respect and dignity on the job and to ensure that workers have a seat at the table so that our voices and collective power are heard.
Stronger Together
No one should have to live paycheck-to-paycheck, worried about how to cover an unexpected emergency or even the monthly bills. When we come together in union, we can fight for better pay, better benefits and better workplaces for ourselves and for all workers. When we are strong in our membership, we have more voice on the job and more control over our futures.
Our Successes
Oregon AFSCME has a long track record of fighting for and winning strong contracts, including 17% COLAs at OHSU, $3,000 retention bonus for full-time workers and $1,500 for part-time - on top of tripled weekend shift bonuses.